Apply for Private Coaching Name * First Name Last Name Date of Birth * You must be above the age of 18 to participate in this program. MM DD YYYY Email * Phone * Country (###) ### #### Where did you hear about Kacy Shea Nutrition? * Instagram Facebook Search Engine Personal Referral YouTube TikTok If from a personal referral, who? Where do you currently reside? * Provide your city and state. Your Goals and Priorities I will support your whole mind-body health in this program. We will take a nervous-system oriented approach to mental and physical health in this program. This means that we're going to do a comprehensive analysis to identify and correct the underlying cause of your fatigue, lack of focus and productivity as well correct the symptoms that have come from it (i.e. PMS, digestive distress, brain fog, sleep disturbances, etc.). I'm not stopping there because I know what you're capable of. Then we're going to optimize your cognition. When your health is on point, you are unstoppable. Why are you interested in working 1:1 with Kacy? * What are your current health goals? * What are your motivating factors to achieve your goals? What happens if you don't take action to reach these goals? Are you ready to make changes in your mindset, diet and lifestyle to reach your goals? * Yes, I'm ready! No, I'm not ready Are you willing to complete blood work? * Yes No Financial Investment This program requires financial investment because I genuinely care about providing you with the tools to finally achieve your health and wellness goals. If you're here it means that you've tried the cheap route before and you're still experiencing problems. Are you willing and able to financially invest in your health? I am ready to invest in my health. I have access to credit that I can use. I cannot invest in Private Coaching right now and will look into the Membership for support. Congratulations on applying to the Private Coaching experience! Our team will review your application to ensure that you’re a good fit. Within the next 2 business days you will receive an email from regarding next steps.